Ways To Measure Your Success

Ways To Measure Your Success

The definition of success varies from person to person. For some it may be securing a certain position in a company or organization they work for. Some may consider themselves successful, if they have a certain amount of money in their bank account. For others, it may be buying their dream house or their dream car. You need to define what being successful specifically means to you in true sense. You should also define the key indicators which would show your success. This is important for you to feel satisfied in your life. Here are top 10 ways to measure success.

1. The number of goals you have achieved:

All of us have certain goals in our life. A person without a goal is like a ship sailing without any direction. Both will never reach any destination. Life is a journey with many milestones in the form of different goals. One of the ways to measure your success would be the number of goals you have achieved, not that is left to be achieved. Every person should have well defined goals in life. The more the number of goals achieved by you the more successful you are in your life.

2. The amount of money you have:

Money is one of the most important things you need in your life. But it’s not the only most important thing because there are certain other things in life which value more than money. Still, the amount of money you have is the most common way people use to measure. You need money to fulfill your basic needs as well as to have luxurious things in your life. It’s required to take care of your family. It makes your life comfortable. Money enables you to help others. Measuring your success by the amount of money you have is just a part of the entire picture. In addition to this you must have certain other things which we shall discuss further for the correct measurement of your success.


3. Happiness level in your life:

Happiness is the most important way to measure your success. In fact it’s more important than money. You need to be happy in your life and happy to do whatever you are doing. One may be a millionaire or billionaire, but if he is not happy, then he is not successful in true sense. Therefore, it’s important to pursue happiness in life. Do the things, that you want to do that make you happy. Don’t perceive and act upon what others will say or think. Everyone is busy with their own life. No one really cares. So, pursue real happiness is life because it is the most important pillar of your success.

4. How famous you are:

The number of people who know you and who follow you is also counted as an important yardstick for measuring your success. One may be famous for right or wrong reasons. When we talk about measuring success, you need to be famous for the right reasons. Now a days, people are also judged by the number of followers they have on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and other social platforms. What matters more for measuring success is that how many real followers you have and how many people support you for good reasons. The more the number of real followers you have the more successful you are treated.

5. The number of people whom you have helped:

Life is just not about living for yourself. How many people you have helped is also treated as a measurement of your success. Many of our scriptures mention about living life helping other people. It is the positive impact you have on the life of other people that matters at the end. Some actions have positive impact on a large number of people How many lives have you helped improve through your actions. You become more valuable and successful more the number of lives you are able to improve.

6. The level of stress you handle:

Everybody faces stress in one form or the other. Stress is of two types’: positive stress and negative stress. Positive stress leads you to perform better or to achieve something. Positive stress brings growth in your life. On the other hand, negative stress is bad for you and your health. If you are stressed without you wanting it, then it is bad for you. It increases your ageing process.If you keep yourself under stress for long time then you would start appearing older than your age. It may also lead to health problems like blood pressure, diabetes and other health problems. In your life you have to face both positive and negative stress. You need to learn stress management. The people who are able to handle stress well are more successful in their life. It has been rightly said “Diamonds are the pieces of coal that handled the stress really well.” If you are facing a lot of stress, try to handle it. You should not quit because this will make you different from others. You will succeed if you continue managing stress. The less the amount of stress you feel after managing it, the more successful you would be counted.

7. Your satisfaction level:

People normally never feel satisfied with whatever they have in life. No amount of money, material goods or any position is good enough to make us feel contented. Generally, it is said that if you are satisfied, you would stop growing in your life. A certain level of dissatisfaction is necessary to keep you motivated to grow and achieve things in life. But, if you are successful the level of your satisfaction of your accomplishments would be high. You need to define what you want in life and celebrate, when you achieve it. If you lead a balanced life then the level of your satisfaction would be more. It’s a very tough learning. The more satisfied you are the more successful you would be considered.

8. Spending time doing things you love:

One other way to measure success is the amount of time you spend doing things you love. Every person is passionate about one thing or the other. If you find a way to get paid to do the things you are passionate about, you would definitely be very successful. The other way would be to achieve financial freedom at the earliest in your life, so that you could be free to spend time doing your favorite things. You would be spending your time by choice in both of these scenarios.

9. The number of regrets at the end of your life:

People normally spend their whole life doing things what they are expected to do. Sometimes, a person is not able to do things he wants to do and in some cases he has to do certain things which he doesn’t want to do. In both the situations he regrets later on. Don’t fall in the “what if” trap. What if, I started my own business? What if, I proposed the girl whom I loved? What if, I spent more time with my loved ones? Do whatever your heart likes. At the end of your life you should have least number of regrets and would be counted as more successful.

10. The more balanced life you live:

It has been rightly said that excess of anything is bad, whether it is too much work or it is too much leisure. In order to live a fuller life all the components are necessary. Work, family, friends, society all are required. They are important parts of your life. If you are missing something then you are not living a balanced life. One may have money, fame etc but if you do not have people to celebrate with, then that success is meaningless. You would be successful in true sense if you are leading a balanced life.
To conclude, no single indicator of measuring success as above would be sufficient for any person. You need to define the purpose of your life, your goals, your priorities in life that makes you feel fulfilled. Select few indicators from above as per your priorities in life and live a successful and satisfied life.

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