The typical scenario is that you get your paycheck. After you recover from the shock at how little is left after taxes, you proceed to divvy it up among all your outstanding bills, intending to put whatever is left over into your savings. But there never seems to be...
There are 7 habits that highly effective investors engage in regularly that separate themselves from the thundering sheep herd. These 7 habits, in fact, often lead to highly effective investors acting very differently from the average investor not because he or she believes in contrarian investing, but because the...
The stock market is an untamed animal, a wild beast. Sometimes, it is a raging bull that lifts and throws all stocks upwards into the sky. Sometimes it is a marauding bear that beats all stocks into the ground with brute force. And if you are entering the stock...
We all save money and then invest a part of our savings to meet our future requirements. We want maximum returns and do not want to make any bad investments. There are certain things which we should look into before making any investment. 1. Do not...
Many investors are ignorant when they are new to investing. When starting out, they just only want to jump right in. Sadly, not many of them are successful. It will be wise to realize that realistically all of these investments are full of risks – the danger of having...
Building wealth is as simple as saving a little bit here and a little bit there. You need not have great riches in order to accumulate wealth, but you need to have the drive, determination, and discipline to successfully increase your wealth. Let’s look at 5 proven wealth building...
In future, Cryptocurrency will be the main currency across the world. One thing that the 2008 economic crisis has showed us is that the traditional currency systems are flawed. It has been confirmed in 2020. More and more people are searching for viable alternatives. That is what the crypto...
Every investor wants to maximize his returns on investment within the shortest possible time. At the same time people have natural tendency to undertake minimum risk. The fact is that both the returns and risks are directly proportional. Lower the risk, lower will be the returns and higher the...
Do you know people are paying income tax to a large extent at the end of every financial year? Specific deductions are available in Income Tax Act (ITA) which you can claim at the time of filing of your Income Tax return. With proper planning and investments, you can...
Money is something that we all are familiar with but sometimes don’t know what to do with it? Mainly we have three options. Spending, saving and investing. Spending is the easiest way and it finds its way but other two options need knowledge, awareness and thorough analysis before choosing...