AUTHOR : JP Vaswani

The author, Shri J P Vaswani, is an Indian scholar, spiritual leader and head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, which is an international, non-profit organization with its headquarters in Pune. He affirms that fear was not put in to us by God. We acquired it, took it upon ourselves or it was put into us by the environment in which we live. He goes on to assure us that whatever it was, howsoever big it may have become fear is removable. This practical book, enriched with inspirational stories, helps us understand and recognize our fears, conquer them and live our life fully-fearlessly.
The book is in two parts, Part I contains 8 small stories about how fear kills us and Part II contains 7 small stories. about how we can kill fear .
1. We are all victims of fear: Fear is the one mark that characterizes us . We are afraid of the future, afraid of poverty, of unemployment, of dishonor and disgrace, disease and death-it seems that we are afraid of life itself. Fear is the root of all our problems. Fear is that starting point for al evil. Fear gives rise to most of our misfortunes. Living in constant fear reduces our vital energies, leaving us too drained and exhausted to savour the joy of life. Fear paralyses the mind, just as a stroke paralyses the body. It strikes at the nervous system; it causes stress and tension. It undermines our well-being. Worst of all, it robs us of happiness and destroys our peace of mind. Fear is a great foe of man. It must be uprooted before it overpowers you.
2. Fear Can Corrode You : Psychiatrist, pastors, counselors and spiritual elders confirm that the general level of fear among people is on the increase today. It seems to extend across all walks of life and to all kinds of people. Children are beginning to dread school exams, smart young graduates develop cold feet before they face an interview; mothers worry non-stop about their offspring; young couples agonize over their savings and their budgets; old people are terrified of insecurity and loneliness; high flying executive at the peak of their professional careers give in to stress and tension over fears of rivalry and competition. We are afraid to live because life has become so complicated, risky and insecure. We must learn to face life more confidently and positively.
3.Life Takes Courage: Life is full of uncertainties, the unknown and the unknowable. Experts recommend that we develop what they call ‘high tolerance for uncertainty’ if we are to live in peace, even while being aware that so much in our lives is outside our control. Losing control, living with uncertainty generates fear and this fear can be conquered by the right attitude-love, kindness, faith and compassion.
4.What is fear: Psychiatrists tell us that only two fears are present at birth-the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Fear is natural to human beings in many situations. It teaches us to be cautious and fosters our sense of self-reservations. It helps us create safeguards for ourselves. It is what keeps us safe and secure.
5.Recognizing Fear: Writer says according to Dr. Forrest Church, there are five basic types of fear which are; Fright or instinctive fear that is associated with the body and designed to protect us from physical danger. Second is Worry, which is produced out of what we call our ‘worst imaginings’. Third is Guilt- fear arising out of a troubled conscience. Fourth is Insecurity-associated with the emotions. It is fear prompted by feelings of inadequacy. Fifth is Dread- generated by the fundamental uncertainty of life.
6.Faith Gives You Courage: Writers has given the example of Gita, in which Shri Krishna told to Arjun, “I am with you, within you, all around you. Whatever you eat, whatever you give, whatever you do, do it as an offering unto me. “Thus, may our petty wills be blended with the divine will.
7.How to Conquer Fear : If we are to live a life of peace and attain freedom from fear, we must discover peace within ourselves. We must be fearless in the mind. Strike fear with the weapon of the spirit-the word of God. Utter the name that is dear to you- Krishan, Ram, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Nanak. Utter it again and again. Fear is entirely removable, we have to internalize this fact, can begin to work on the process of actually removing the fear. This is possible through self-discipline.
8.Witness of the Great Ones: Sri Adi Shankracharya, one of the greatest intellectuals of all times, urged that he, who would walk the way of the spirit, must have ‘Vajrahridaya”, a heart strong as thunderbolt. Swami Vivekanand also said, Be bold Be fearless.
1. Nothing is as Bad as Fear Itself: American President Franklin D Roosevelt, who delivered inaugural address on 4 March 1933 at a time when America was facing the worst economic depression in her history, said
“Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning terror which paralyses efforts needed to convert retreat into advance.
2.Cultivate The Will to Be Free of Fear : The yearning for freedom-political, social, intellectual, economic or religious-is embedded so deeply in men, that people even risk their lives to achieve it. This was why Socrates drank hemlock, calmly and dispassionately. This was why Christ allowed himself to be crucified. This was why Mahatma Gandhi faced his assassin’s bullets with the name of the Lord on his lips. These great souls had cultivated the will to be unafraid, the will to conquer fear at all cost.
3.Never forget that Fear is a Kind of Atheism: Writer says, unfortunately we are ready to place our faith in wealth, power, strength and intellect. But the giver of all these is God, and if we cannot place our faith in Him, then our own lives are truly lost.
4.Remember that with God all Things are Possible: What we need is the kind of faith that will never fail us, the kind of faith that makes us realize that all things are possible to those who believe in his mercy and goodness.
5.Learn to Relax in God’s Presence so that you can receive his Power: Within every one of us is a realm of peace, power and perfection. Through practice, we can , at will, enter this realm and contact God.
6.Don’t be Afraid of What may Happen Tomorrow: Author says, “Tomorrow’ has become a perennial question mark for some of us. When tomorrow arrives and becomes today and passes off peacefully, we still fret about the tomorrows to come. Author says, would it not be better to leave tomorrow with God, walk with God today and trust him for the tomorrow.
7. Go out of Your way to Bring help Comfort to Others: People often quote the saying, ‘Charity begins at home’, and restrict their help and kindness to their near and dear ones. But it would indeed be a pity if it stays there, give not only to those you love, but also to those who do not love you.
We acknowledge the author and the respective copyrights of the owner of this book for the text/passages/quotes extracted or reproduced in this summary. Now that you have read the summary, please obtain and read the original book published by Wisdom Tree , New Delhi.