Infrastructure investment trusts is a collective investment scheme that works like mutual funds and are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. InvITs enables direct investment of money from institutional as well as individual investors in infrastructure projects to earn a little portion of the income as...
अपने अस्तित्व को लगातार बचाए रखना ही निरंतरता(Sustainability) है। वर्तमान परिस्थितियों में मनुष्य अपने जीवन एवं जीविकोपार्जन को बरकरार रखने के लिए संघर्षरत है।जहां भोजन, जल, हवा, स्वास्थ्य एवं एक छोटा सा आशियाना मानव-जीवन की मूलभूत आवश्यकताएं हैं तो वही जीविकोपार्जन के लिए व्यवस्थित नौकरी-धंधे का होना आवश्यक है।...
The direct tax in India was introduced in first Union Budget on 07April 1860 by Sir James Wilson. Initially it was divided into four schedules viz., Income from landed property, Income from professions and trades, Income from Securities and Income from salaries and Pensions. In Present Income Tax...
” You may not realize it, but artificial intelligence is all around us .” – Judy Woodruff, American writer and journalist. In the early period of 21st century, no one could have even imagined of an account opening or credit offtake in one`s fist, with...
There was a time when people used to seek permanent jobs. Of late a new workforce culture has evolved namely gig economy where both the job seeker and employer mutually agree for a short term contract. The gig economy comprises of part-time workers and freelancers constituting a labour...
Insurance business in India has its roots 150 years deep with establishment of Oriental Life Insurance Company in Kolkata in 1818. LIC was established in 1956 whereas General Insurance Corporation was established in 1971 and commenced its business in 1971. There are basically two types of insurance...
The time value of money (TVM) is the concept that money available now is worth more than the same amount of money available in the future due to its potential earning capacity, provided the rate of interest is positive. ₹ 100 today may not be equivalent to ₹ 100...
YEAR 2019: Say you get 1 kg mangoes for ₹ 100 YEAR 2020: The same 1 kg now costs ₹ 110 INFLATION in 1 Year Inflation = ₹ 110 – ₹ 100 = ₹ 10 Or (10/100)*100 = 10% So, inflation is the...
Compounding is also called ‘Interest on Interest’. In compounding, the benefit is that the interest earned is added to the principal and re-invested, therefore earning interest on the principal plus interest. And when this compounding takes place over a long duration, the return become much higher...
You take a Loan of Rs. 100 from the bank for 1 year. And the bank says you have to pay 10% Simple Interest* per...