What exactly is a Credit Score? Credit Score (a three digit number) indicates a borrower’s creditworthiness and is typically based on his/her credit history and other factors . It is given along with Credit Information Report issued by a Credit Information Company. Credit Score would be higher...
Passive vs. Active Savings Money in regular Savings Bank accounts fetches very low rates of interest, hence can be termed passive savings. Do not keep too much money in savings account! Instead, invest in Recurring/ Fixed Deposits of banks that fetch better returns. ...
BUDGETING What is a budget? Put simply, it is a plan of your future income and expenses. Budgets can be yearly, monthly or even weekly. Why prepare a budget at all? With a budget in hand, you will be able to control your...
We all know the age-old saying: “Do not put all your eggs in one basket.” Diversification is the process of investing your money in different assets. Why Diversify? The reason one should diversify by investing in different assets is...
Any investment entails a certain degree of risk. Generally, there is a direct correlation between risk and return.The higher the expected return, the higher the risk(including the possibility of losing the initial investment as well). And lower the return, lower the risk as well. “The...
Though the growth in MSME activity and the MSME credit offtake thereof has been tepid for almost two years, MSME continues to be the buzz word not only in India but in many parts of the globe if an economy has to rebound and sustain itself. Governments have been...
There has been a growing concern for last few years that public sector banks (PSBs) are not able to fill their staff position at project appraisal and credit teams, with younger employees not interested in building a career in areas where decisions could later come under scrutiny from investigative...
फास्ट टेग एक युक्ति / साधन है, जो कि रेडियो आव्रत्ति पहचान (आर. एफ़. आई. डी.) तकनीक पर कार्य करता है | रेडियो आव्रत्ति पहचान एक वस्तु का उपयोग है जिसे एक उत्पाद, पशु, या व्यक्ति में रेडियो तरंगो के इस्तेमाल से पहचान करने और ट्रैकिंग के उद्देश्य से...
Understanding the problem of Indian Banks going through unprecedent mounting growth in stressed loan portfolio, the Reserve Bank of India attempted to force banks to clean up balance sheets and came out with many regulatory steps viz; Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR), Flexible Structuring of Project Loans (5/25) and Scheme...
जिन व्यक्तियों की आय कृषि और कृषि से संबद्ध गतिविधि से आती है, उन्हें आमतौर पर किसान कहा जाता है । इसके अलावा बटाईदारों, काश्तकारों, लघु, सीमांत और उप सीमांत कृषकों, बड़ी जोत वाले किसानों, मछुआरों, पशुधन और पोल्ट्री रीलर्स, पशुवादियों, छोटे बागान के किसानों के साथ-साथ ग्रामीण और...