क्या आप भारतीय शहरों में इलेक्ट्रिक कार या खुद का इलेक्ट्रिक टू व्हीलर या थ्री व्हीलर सफलता पूर्वक चला सकते हैं? इसका उत्तर एक शब्द में होगा – हां ! भारत सरकार एवं भारतीय कंपनियों ने इस दिशा में कई सकारात्मक कदम उठाएँ हैं | भरत एक ऐसा अग्रणी...
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Social Media works through internet and mobile based communications that are very interactive in nature. Web 2.0 offers to connect each and every individual and design the communication structure according to users. It is basically transforming the way people connect with each other and the manner information is shared...
OBJECTIVE: 1. How to Identify next best product for the customer. Identify customer segments. Identify product purchase behavior and product affinity. METHODOLOGY: a)Business Understanding. Determine Business Objectives Assess Situation Determine Analysis Goals Initial Assessment of Tools and Techniques Translate into modeling objective Lay down Solution Framework. b) Data Preparation:...